Saturday, June 13, 2009

Guinea pig hilton

Been building the Guinea pig cage today, more like a guinea pig hotel. It has all the features I've always wanted in a guinea pig cage but never had lol. mainly it's big and has great access. The little nesting box is small and cosy, and it has a hinged roof for easy access. The most of the roof of the outer area can be removed for EASY ACCESS!! and part of the outer roof is covered so that the guinea's have outdoor shelter from the rain when it's wet, and sun when it's hot.

Did I say EASY ACCESS?? there will also be a small food hatch in the side for quick access to put food in the cage without having to take the whole roof off. With the roof off, it's possible for a child (or even an adult) to sit in the cage and play with the guinea pigs long as the cats aren't around...they usually are because the guinea pig cage is their FAVORITE place to hang out. I think they think I got the guinea pigs purely for their entertainment.

the entrance to the nesting box is protected from rain and wind. I've been surprised how easily the cage had progressed, making a lot better choices, and building in a more logical way than the chicken coop, which was our first project.
have this thing about making it up as I go along, and adapting to the materials on hand. This cage is especially cheap, it uses some roofing iron I picked up from the green waste (not meant to be dumped there but a good find), some wood I got from the waste bin at bunnings, and batons. All untreated and wont last forever but I might stain it at some point. Would've finished it today but was getting past the time the neighbours would want to hear hammers and electric saws, so will finish it tomorrow.

have a thing to about not using a plan too, just some vague idea of how I want it to be, turning out pretty well this time round. Must've actually learnt something from the last building attempt. Might make one to sell after this. keep it pretty much the same with just a few minor improvements.

will post some pics once its all finished.

not sure who to put in there yet? mum and dad, or the three kids?? probably the kids, leave mum in her cage where it's familiar.

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