Friday, August 14, 2009

Passionfruit, grapes and guinea pigs :-)

I have had an idea that I may not be able to realise for a while, but if I write it down, it may happen a bit quicker than if it just floats around in my brain. I had always planned to create Guinea pig enclosures. I have an abundance of deer netting that I bought off someone on trademe, lying around. I used it to fence my back yard but still have plenty left. Anyway, I had planned to have an enclosure around the feojoa trees, its a difficult area to mow, and they will help with weed control etc. Now I've realsed that the area alongside the driveway is also awkward to mow, and would suit an enclosure. I realised that this area would be perfect for growing grapes and passionfruit vines, especially if I put wind netting around the outside. I can grow the vines under the roof of the enclosure, where they will get plenty of sun. and the guinea pigs would run around underneath eating the grass and "composting". eventually I would like to have a few large enclosed areas for the guinea pigs where thay can run around freely, while protected from the cats and the weather.


James David said...

Very good idea, but you need to get the passion fruit & grape growing first after the fencing before placing the guinea pigs and probably some protection from them as they might chew the stalks.

Hope to see your daffodils soon..(hehehe)

anjilala said...

true, may have to put some wire netting around the base, the daffodils are coming out now, must take some pics :-)