My vision for this land is to have fruit of all kinds growing as much fruit as possible in the space available.I mentioned before that I plan to have a hedge of fejoas and olives on the front boundaries. I'm planting them there because I like the idea of future generations of neighbourhood kids being able to stop and pick an abundance of fruit when it's in season. So the front garden will be the "community garden" and the back yard will be our private garden. At the moment there is only bare land in the front of the house. I'd like to plant an orchard there. One that kids can wander through and pick all kinds of delicious treats in. berries of all kinds as well as apples, stone fruit, citrus etc. We started with one lemon tree, in a small sheltered garden at the side of the house...that one tiny lemon tree has grown heaps with the help of leftovers from fish soup, ashes from the fire and compost mulch, and something that is either a grapefruit or an orange tree. I've added a mandarin tree to that garden. It's warm and sheltered and protects more sensitive fruit from harsh winter weather. Then a few days ago bought four fejoa trees for our private garden, and five little blueberry bushes and planted them out.I've discovered a wonderful and inspiring Indian organic farmer whose natural methods of farming are stunningly simple and effective.You can find out more about him and his work here:
his work counters the myth that organic farming is more costly than modern methods and his results speak for themselves.
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