Sunday, July 26, 2009

guinea pigs

well here I am, haven't posted a pic of the first guinea pig cage I built, and now I've just moved the rest of the family into another new cage, and sometime soon I'll build cage no 3 and seperate all males and female for now anyway.

I'm refining my design, but a bit limited by using recycled wood. My next design I'll design from scratch. It will be lighter and even easier to move than the last one, with a smaller indoor area, and again with 6 wheels. (4 under the hutch, and 2 at the far end) I'll keep some of the design features of the last hutch, and improve on it. When I've come up with a prototype that I'm really happy with, I'll start selling them. (or trying to).

The guinea pigs seem to love their new cage. The new one has quite a large indoor area, probably larger than they needed, but I was using half a pallet to make it, and that became the base. But because the family is quite big (7 guinea pigs, 3 adults, 1 "teenager" and 3 little ones) they seem to be enjoying the extra space.

The indoor area is raised, so I built a wide ramp for the guinea pigs to use to access it , but there is just a little entrance to the hutch at the top of the ramp. I made the ramp wide in case some of the guineas are afraind of heights lol.Its made out of rough wood so they don't slip on it. At first they were reluctant to use it because I think they felt exposed, so I made a cover for it out of an old feed bag, which they seem to really love. So its more like a tunnel now.

I've noticed that guinea pigs seem to really like having somewhere to hide, and good cover. They like taking their food under the ramp to eat it as well. The little ones race up and down the ramp and seem to be enjoying the variety of spaces the new cage offers them.

I hope its warmer for them too, been really cold at night lately. they are really safe from dogs and cats now which is good.

Speaking of cats, had to take one to the vet after she turned up with a badly cut leg, just above the paw. it's healing well which is good, and doesnt appear to have damaged any tendons or bones.

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