my cats seem to think that everything I put in my garden is for their enjoyment, they're quick to explore anything new, and dig it out if possible!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
money does grow on trees!
I found this money tree at the dump, bought it home and abandoned it for a month or so while I wondered what to do with it...finally planted it - thank God it has survived because my friend told me it could be 30 yrs old or more, it's big, decided to plant it whole and take cuttings to pot up later - it's also known as a jade plant, used in Feng Shui to bring luck and prosperity
wild flowers
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
getting away on me
The garden has been very neglected lately, which is why I haven't posted much for a neighbour suggested taking pics of other peoples gardens, pretending they were mine, (after all who would know lol)because not much has been growing in mine except for grass...lots of it. I admit I was tempted, but now, having taken a back seat to other things, the garden is overdue for some frantic attention, and when I've made some progress again, I'll post pics of my own garden again (promise ;-). Hoping to have a full time job again soon (cross fingers and toes ) so would love to get the garden into good shape before my time is cut back again. I partly blame the weather for the state of my garden, it refuses to settle into a nice ambience suited to pleasant gardening, Instead, choosing to produce deluges of rain sprinkled between blustering winds. There are a couple of things worth a pic or two though. The sunflowers I planted are doing well and should have a good show in a month or two, and some of the succulents I rescued from the green waste tip are rewarding me by producing brilliant red flowers. Overall the garden is a mess lol with a couple of redeeming features :-)
New Guinea Pigs
Finally...after turning out squillions of rat coloured offspring, we have three new little guinea the colour of caramel, ginger, and honey, so cute I could eat them lol (not really!!!). hard to get a good pic cause although mum left me to it, aunty is very protective. She's due to have her little ones soon, after which they will all be moved to the new home I've been building over the last week or so. Trying not to have anymore babies after this, at least not for a while, so as soon as they are old enough to be weaned, they'll be seperated by gender
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wet and miserable
well the farmers have had enough rain to keep them in grass for some time, so I hope they're happy :-) it's been good rain for down on the farm, the kind of rain that makes grass grow, without causing havoc with floods. It's rained nearly everyday for the last two weeks, and been bitterly cold after a false start to summer a month or so ago...did I really get sunburnt?? Anyway, it's cold and wet again today, and snow has been predicted. This all means that I haven't been getting out in the garden much and it shows. The growing, it's starting to look quite a mess, and even the guinea pigs can't keep up with it. They are huddled up in their hutches, gnawing on some pumpkin, and I don't blame them. It's not a nice look outside.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
new bath
Just picked up bath no. two, is still in the car because it was raining when we got home, it's not that pretty at the moment but I'll paint the outside soon, wondering whether to stick with pink...or go with blue this time??
Monday, September 21, 2009
cats :-)
veges are starting to happen
the first of my veges are coming up, lots more to grass, but I have plans for that lol, am going to graze guinea pigs around my tyres :-)
oops, put the wrong pic here, will put the right one later
oops, put the wrong pic here, will put the right one later
trees, a ton of them
upgrading the bath
wood mulch
as well as getting hedge clippingf for my goats from the green waste tip, it's also a great source of wood chips and compost materials. I use this wood mulch like bark in my garden, to suppress weeds, and preserve moisture around trees etc. It's also great in the chicken coop as a deep litter material.
succulents with driftwood and paua
daffodils?...whats left of them
Going potty
walks on the beach
you know you're working hard in the garden when it involves a daily walk on the beach :-) been adding some finishing touches to my garden, for a coastal flavour, with driftwood and shells collected from the beach. I go to the green waste daily to get food for my goats, it just happens to be at the a great excuse to walk the dog and look for treasures.
Finally got around to taking a few pics, and a couple of daffodils lol, most of the daffodils have finished flowering now, my excuse is that I lost my camera for a while, it turned up in the strangest place...
I know I shouldn't have a hole in the side of my house...but the cats look so cute when they go in and out ;-)
Monday, September 7, 2009
My friend Joy is never one to say no to a challenge, and sometimes she shares them with her friends ;-). she asked me if I would babysit four chickens for her while she went to australia, no probs....but about 4pm the day before they were due to arrive, I picked up a message on my answerphone....umm make that 10 chickens!! so in the last 24 hrs I have completely fenced off an area of my back yard for the new arrivals, not sure how my little flock would handle 10 new members. - they arrived just as I was putting up the last of the netting. Turns out they are ex battery hens, and docile wee things...very easy going so that's a relief. It was much more of a drama having one wild sussex hen visit for a couple of days, much more squawking and general mayhen (lol) as she settled in. I took a little video of their introduction to our cat Sasha, which i'll post some time.. despite her factory raising, the hen stood her groud with the cat, and in the end he retreated. they are great little chickens, much smaller than my orpingtons, but have already laid an egg, there was one in the back of the ute they arrived in too, looking forward to more eggs tomorrow...Joy...I wanna keep them!!! awwwwww.
will take some photo's later
will take some photo's later
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Windy world
Well the main thing on my mind at the moment is the wind. Mostly how to create more shelter from the wind, so my garden can grow and it will be more pleasant to be out in it. I have trees growing very slowly, luckly the two sides that are the most windy,wont block the sun when the trees get taller. But anyway, the plan now is to section the garden off into smaller areas with lower wind breaks. There is a tree that has branches that I call "the witchy poo tree" because the branches are all crinkly. There is a lot of it down at the green waste at the mo, and I think it would make great wind breaks if I make low fences out of it. Some days it's really sunny here, and warm out of the wind, but cold and unpleasant in the wind. I want my garden to be just as inviting on windy days, so that I want to spend more time in it.
MUST PLANT MY SEEDS TODAY!!!!!! spring is here, have packets and packets of mostly vege seeds, plus a few flowers, and watermelon. will put some seed trays on my veranda where it's warm and sheltered.
daffodil photos soon....(hope there are still some left by the time I get around to it :-)
MUST PLANT MY SEEDS TODAY!!!!!! spring is here, have packets and packets of mostly vege seeds, plus a few flowers, and watermelon. will put some seed trays on my veranda where it's warm and sheltered.
daffodil photos soon....(hope there are still some left by the time I get around to it :-)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Had fun making a little video today, and the goats had HEAPS of fun. I think they'll be up for making some more. Have a few interesting locations lined up for the next ones. Have stayed up WAY too late working on this video though. Short - but very time consuming....
Haven't done anything major in the garden recently, psyching myself up for the next onslaught. THE to start the next phase of my gardening, and plant all the seeds I've been collecting. Been cleaning up my little courtyard, which got a bit messy inn the process of making guinea pig cages there. It will be my nursery next.
Have collected about a million pots of all shapes and sizes (Ok am exaggerating, but only a little, I have heaps!) want to grow my veges in little pots and take them to the farmers market to sell. the ones that don't sell can just keep on growing :-). Time to start serious food production.
The two plum trees that I planted a few months ago are sprouting leaves, and even a few blossons, might be some plums this year? Still planting the last of my bulbs, got at least a hundred still to go. Planted about 40 in the last week.
Haven't done anything major in the garden recently, psyching myself up for the next onslaught. THE to start the next phase of my gardening, and plant all the seeds I've been collecting. Been cleaning up my little courtyard, which got a bit messy inn the process of making guinea pig cages there. It will be my nursery next.
Have collected about a million pots of all shapes and sizes (Ok am exaggerating, but only a little, I have heaps!) want to grow my veges in little pots and take them to the farmers market to sell. the ones that don't sell can just keep on growing :-). Time to start serious food production.
The two plum trees that I planted a few months ago are sprouting leaves, and even a few blossons, might be some plums this year? Still planting the last of my bulbs, got at least a hundred still to go. Planted about 40 in the last week.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Passionfruit, grapes and guinea pigs :-)
I have had an idea that I may not be able to realise for a while, but if I write it down, it may happen a bit quicker than if it just floats around in my brain. I had always planned to create Guinea pig enclosures. I have an abundance of deer netting that I bought off someone on trademe, lying around. I used it to fence my back yard but still have plenty left. Anyway, I had planned to have an enclosure around the feojoa trees, its a difficult area to mow, and they will help with weed control etc. Now I've realsed that the area alongside the driveway is also awkward to mow, and would suit an enclosure. I realised that this area would be perfect for growing grapes and passionfruit vines, especially if I put wind netting around the outside. I can grow the vines under the roof of the enclosure, where they will get plenty of sun. and the guinea pigs would run around underneath eating the grass and "composting". eventually I would like to have a few large enclosed areas for the guinea pigs where thay can run around freely, while protected from the cats and the weather.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
guinea pigs
well here I am, haven't posted a pic of the first guinea pig cage I built, and now I've just moved the rest of the family into another new cage, and sometime soon I'll build cage no 3 and seperate all males and female for now anyway.
I'm refining my design, but a bit limited by using recycled wood. My next design I'll design from scratch. It will be lighter and even easier to move than the last one, with a smaller indoor area, and again with 6 wheels. (4 under the hutch, and 2 at the far end) I'll keep some of the design features of the last hutch, and improve on it. When I've come up with a prototype that I'm really happy with, I'll start selling them. (or trying to).
The guinea pigs seem to love their new cage. The new one has quite a large indoor area, probably larger than they needed, but I was using half a pallet to make it, and that became the base. But because the family is quite big (7 guinea pigs, 3 adults, 1 "teenager" and 3 little ones) they seem to be enjoying the extra space.
The indoor area is raised, so I built a wide ramp for the guinea pigs to use to access it , but there is just a little entrance to the hutch at the top of the ramp. I made the ramp wide in case some of the guineas are afraind of heights lol.Its made out of rough wood so they don't slip on it. At first they were reluctant to use it because I think they felt exposed, so I made a cover for it out of an old feed bag, which they seem to really love. So its more like a tunnel now.
I've noticed that guinea pigs seem to really like having somewhere to hide, and good cover. They like taking their food under the ramp to eat it as well. The little ones race up and down the ramp and seem to be enjoying the variety of spaces the new cage offers them.
I hope its warmer for them too, been really cold at night lately. they are really safe from dogs and cats now which is good.
Speaking of cats, had to take one to the vet after she turned up with a badly cut leg, just above the paw. it's healing well which is good, and doesnt appear to have damaged any tendons or bones.
I'm refining my design, but a bit limited by using recycled wood. My next design I'll design from scratch. It will be lighter and even easier to move than the last one, with a smaller indoor area, and again with 6 wheels. (4 under the hutch, and 2 at the far end) I'll keep some of the design features of the last hutch, and improve on it. When I've come up with a prototype that I'm really happy with, I'll start selling them. (or trying to).
The guinea pigs seem to love their new cage. The new one has quite a large indoor area, probably larger than they needed, but I was using half a pallet to make it, and that became the base. But because the family is quite big (7 guinea pigs, 3 adults, 1 "teenager" and 3 little ones) they seem to be enjoying the extra space.
The indoor area is raised, so I built a wide ramp for the guinea pigs to use to access it , but there is just a little entrance to the hutch at the top of the ramp. I made the ramp wide in case some of the guineas are afraind of heights lol.Its made out of rough wood so they don't slip on it. At first they were reluctant to use it because I think they felt exposed, so I made a cover for it out of an old feed bag, which they seem to really love. So its more like a tunnel now.
I've noticed that guinea pigs seem to really like having somewhere to hide, and good cover. They like taking their food under the ramp to eat it as well. The little ones race up and down the ramp and seem to be enjoying the variety of spaces the new cage offers them.
I hope its warmer for them too, been really cold at night lately. they are really safe from dogs and cats now which is good.
Speaking of cats, had to take one to the vet after she turned up with a badly cut leg, just above the paw. it's healing well which is good, and doesnt appear to have damaged any tendons or bones.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Cat TV
The cats live for a chance to get the guinea, they don't have a chance now, but they never stop hoping.
The beginnings of a garden
Hawera plums

A few weeks ago I planted a couple of Hawera plum trees. I had to put an order in at the local garden center because they go really quickly when theyre in stock, and they only were getting 10 trees in this season. They Hawera plum trees are all taken from a local plum tree that has always done exceptionally well in the cold windy coastal region that I live in. My two are both good sized trees so should be well established in a year or two.
trimming trees.
yesterday I spent an hour or so trimming some of the trees around my boundary. Still a bit more to do, ran out of steam after a while. The trees shade my front garden at some times of the day, so am trimming them to around 5 mtrs to let more sun in. I'm noticing the difference already, and the front of the house has a lighter feel to it. I'd prefer to have mainly fruit trees in the space i have available, (although it's neccessary to have a shelter belt of bushy trees for protection from the strong coastal winds).
Updated Bath with Mischa
awwww so cute :-)

Well the Baby guineas didn't arrive the night I expected them to, instead she had them on one of the coldest nights we've had all winter. Put a couple of "hotwater bottles" (2 ltr milk bottles, filled with hotwater & wrapped in newspaper) in the cage and hoped for the best. A couple of weeks later, all are doing fine.
The fact that they have three mothers instead of one may be helping :-). All three females, which are all in milk, take turns feeding the babies, so cooperative.
Lots of new pics and more.
I took a whole lot of pics which I'm going to post today...we even made a movie! My neighbours granddaughter Brooke and her friend Kristal came over and we made a movie for Brooke to take home after the holidays. I'll post the movie here a bit later, it's quite a large file, so might be easier to post it on you tube and have a link here.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
New life on the farm
I'm expecting to find more baby guinea pigs in the morning, tried to look in the hutch but the guinea pigs were all huddled together protectively, and I didnt want to disturb them. The females seem to work together to look after the young, and all mother any new ones. was sad to lose 2 of the other three babies, the cage is now more secure so the little ones can't escape. Anyway after this lot, I'll try to avoid any more pregnancies for a while. The males have finally settled in well together and share their sleeping box, and the females will stay together, and the babies will be seperated into sexes when they are older.
After from that, I've been preparing to plant veges, planted a few more daffodils, and will start some seed trays next. Bought some chia seed, a highly nutricious seed that can be used in bread. same plant and similar nutrients to salba.
going to plant them so I can harvest my own seeds to use in bread. My friend Suzanna makes the best bread ever, so i'll get her to make some for me.
Definitely due for some more photo's soon.
After from that, I've been preparing to plant veges, planted a few more daffodils, and will start some seed trays next. Bought some chia seed, a highly nutricious seed that can be used in bread. same plant and similar nutrients to salba.
going to plant them so I can harvest my own seeds to use in bread. My friend Suzanna makes the best bread ever, so i'll get her to make some for me.
Definitely due for some more photo's soon.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
abundance gardening...
I'm starting to plan the vege garden now, with the aim of creating an abundance of supply, with the surplus available to sell at local markets or from home.I don't have a huge piece of land, and one of my objectives is to demonstrate how a small piece of land can produce an abundance of food.
In fact a lot of my garden could be recreated in a courtyard or in containers. When I lived in the far north I had a friend who had a commercial organic garden, he planted all his broccoli in used yoghurt pottles, and sold it at the market with the roots intact. That way it was as fresh as possible, but also could be taken home again if it didnt sell that day. I've been collecting 1000's of pots, discarded by other gardeners, and I plan to do the same for all my fresh veges - grow each cabbage or broccolli or lettuce in an individual pot.
I'll offer a discount on the sale of the next vege, for the return of a pot, or in exchange for a pot.
I'm often put off buying veges from the supermarket, because the nutrient content goes down evey hour they picking. I'd like to also sell little vege gardens, & premade herb and salad gardens.
A way to go until then though :-) taking just one step at a time......
In fact a lot of my garden could be recreated in a courtyard or in containers. When I lived in the far north I had a friend who had a commercial organic garden, he planted all his broccoli in used yoghurt pottles, and sold it at the market with the roots intact. That way it was as fresh as possible, but also could be taken home again if it didnt sell that day. I've been collecting 1000's of pots, discarded by other gardeners, and I plan to do the same for all my fresh veges - grow each cabbage or broccolli or lettuce in an individual pot.
I'll offer a discount on the sale of the next vege, for the return of a pot, or in exchange for a pot.
I'm often put off buying veges from the supermarket, because the nutrient content goes down evey hour they picking. I'd like to also sell little vege gardens, & premade herb and salad gardens.
A way to go until then though :-) taking just one step at a time......
Ups and downs
Today was a mixed day in the garden. I finally started planting daffodils again, and preparing for the vege garden. I was really pleased with the progress, and was admiring the two Hawera plum trees I had planted a few days ago, when tragedy struck - as I turned toward some loud squeaks coming from one of the hutches, I saw one of the cats running across the lawn with one of the babies in his mouth. I managed to get it off him, but unfortunately it was too late. It's injuries were too severe to be fixed, and I could only make him as comfortable as possible for his last moments.
I've secure the hutch so that there won't be any more escapees. but it was pretty sad at the time.
In some ways that whole story sums up nature pretty well. Nature always produces an abundance, and already another mother to be is getting fatter every day, and soon the little one we lost will be replaced, but not forgotten.... The cats are only following their nature as predators, but as there caretaker, I try to prevent this kind of thing happening. I have the plan for next cage, to house the mothers and babies, in my head, with improvements on the last attempt. The last cage, was designed around the materials I on hand, but the next one will be custom built with function and comfort priorities.
The original cage is not very well designed, and the sooner there is a new cage the better.
I've secure the hutch so that there won't be any more escapees. but it was pretty sad at the time.
In some ways that whole story sums up nature pretty well. Nature always produces an abundance, and already another mother to be is getting fatter every day, and soon the little one we lost will be replaced, but not forgotten.... The cats are only following their nature as predators, but as there caretaker, I try to prevent this kind of thing happening. I have the plan for next cage, to house the mothers and babies, in my head, with improvements on the last attempt. The last cage, was designed around the materials I on hand, but the next one will be custom built with function and comfort priorities.
The original cage is not very well designed, and the sooner there is a new cage the better.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Guinea Pig Soap Opera continues...
Decided to put all the mothers and mothers to be into one cage and the boys into another.
So I put "lil Sis" back in with "Big mama" and "Lil Grey Girl" and the three lil babies. Daddy went out with his son in the new cage.
First Daddy and son "Friski" had to sort out who was boss, got pretty serious for a while, lots of chattering and running around the cage.
Then Big Daddy claimed the hutch and poor lil Friski had to sleep under the ramp in the cold.
So today I made another little sleeping hutch for Friski, so he has his own territory and they share the grass. Friski stashed the piece of pumpkin under his hutch and wouldnt let Dad in. They each seem happy with their own little sleeping space, but they'd be warmer if they shared.
Friski was so happy when he was sharing with lil sis, but can't have any more babies so just has to be this way for a while.
The girls had to settle in with each other too but are all getting on fine now. Both females who have already given birth feed and care for the babies and they all work together to look after each other.
So I put "lil Sis" back in with "Big mama" and "Lil Grey Girl" and the three lil babies. Daddy went out with his son in the new cage.
First Daddy and son "Friski" had to sort out who was boss, got pretty serious for a while, lots of chattering and running around the cage.
Then Big Daddy claimed the hutch and poor lil Friski had to sleep under the ramp in the cold.
So today I made another little sleeping hutch for Friski, so he has his own territory and they share the grass. Friski stashed the piece of pumpkin under his hutch and wouldnt let Dad in. They each seem happy with their own little sleeping space, but they'd be warmer if they shared.
Friski was so happy when he was sharing with lil sis, but can't have any more babies so just has to be this way for a while.
The girls had to settle in with each other too but are all getting on fine now. Both females who have already given birth feed and care for the babies and they all work together to look after each other.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
More Guinea pigs
Yesterday, on the shortest day of the year..big fat mama pig had three babies.
I was especting that, but what we weren't expecting was that her daughter would give birth on the same day. All went well with the first lot, but I think her daughter was just too young, she's not fully grown yet and neither of her two babies made it.
The good thing is that she's snuggling up with the other babies and sharing them with her mum, which must make it easier for her. her mum was incredibly supportive when she had her babies, and did her best to help, licking them etc, but it wasn't meant to be.
Anyway the 3 babies left are doing well, and looks like I will need to start making ANOTHER cage for all these babies once they have grown a bit.
I was especting that, but what we weren't expecting was that her daughter would give birth on the same day. All went well with the first lot, but I think her daughter was just too young, she's not fully grown yet and neither of her two babies made it.
The good thing is that she's snuggling up with the other babies and sharing them with her mum, which must make it easier for her. her mum was incredibly supportive when she had her babies, and did her best to help, licking them etc, but it wasn't meant to be.
Anyway the 3 babies left are doing well, and looks like I will need to start making ANOTHER cage for all these babies once they have grown a bit.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Guinea pig hilton
Been building the Guinea pig cage today, more like a guinea pig hotel. It has all the features I've always wanted in a guinea pig cage but never had lol. mainly it's big and has great access. The little nesting box is small and cosy, and it has a hinged roof for easy access. The most of the roof of the outer area can be removed for EASY ACCESS!! and part of the outer roof is covered so that the guinea's have outdoor shelter from the rain when it's wet, and sun when it's hot.
Did I say EASY ACCESS?? there will also be a small food hatch in the side for quick access to put food in the cage without having to take the whole roof off. With the roof off, it's possible for a child (or even an adult) to sit in the cage and play with the guinea pigs long as the cats aren't around...they usually are because the guinea pig cage is their FAVORITE place to hang out. I think they think I got the guinea pigs purely for their entertainment.
the entrance to the nesting box is protected from rain and wind. I've been surprised how easily the cage had progressed, making a lot better choices, and building in a more logical way than the chicken coop, which was our first project.
have this thing about making it up as I go along, and adapting to the materials on hand. This cage is especially cheap, it uses some roofing iron I picked up from the green waste (not meant to be dumped there but a good find), some wood I got from the waste bin at bunnings, and batons. All untreated and wont last forever but I might stain it at some point. Would've finished it today but was getting past the time the neighbours would want to hear hammers and electric saws, so will finish it tomorrow.
have a thing to about not using a plan too, just some vague idea of how I want it to be, turning out pretty well this time round. Must've actually learnt something from the last building attempt. Might make one to sell after this. keep it pretty much the same with just a few minor improvements.
will post some pics once its all finished.
not sure who to put in there yet? mum and dad, or the three kids?? probably the kids, leave mum in her cage where it's familiar.
Did I say EASY ACCESS?? there will also be a small food hatch in the side for quick access to put food in the cage without having to take the whole roof off. With the roof off, it's possible for a child (or even an adult) to sit in the cage and play with the guinea pigs long as the cats aren't around...they usually are because the guinea pig cage is their FAVORITE place to hang out. I think they think I got the guinea pigs purely for their entertainment.
the entrance to the nesting box is protected from rain and wind. I've been surprised how easily the cage had progressed, making a lot better choices, and building in a more logical way than the chicken coop, which was our first project.
have this thing about making it up as I go along, and adapting to the materials on hand. This cage is especially cheap, it uses some roofing iron I picked up from the green waste (not meant to be dumped there but a good find), some wood I got from the waste bin at bunnings, and batons. All untreated and wont last forever but I might stain it at some point. Would've finished it today but was getting past the time the neighbours would want to hear hammers and electric saws, so will finish it tomorrow.
have a thing to about not using a plan too, just some vague idea of how I want it to be, turning out pretty well this time round. Must've actually learnt something from the last building attempt. Might make one to sell after this. keep it pretty much the same with just a few minor improvements.
will post some pics once its all finished.
not sure who to put in there yet? mum and dad, or the three kids?? probably the kids, leave mum in her cage where it's familiar.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Fejoa hedge

a pic of the fejoas that have just been planted, with a row of flax behind them (the flax was all recycled from the green waste tip). I built the fence with the wind netting as well. The plan is that sometime soon this area will be completely enclosed and the guineapigs can eat the grass.
My vision for our garden is that it will be self sufficient, but also that we'll have some produce to sell.
rosemary and daffodils

hope this will one day become a rosemary hedge. The daffs are int the tyres with sme other flower seeds. The wirenetting is to protect the young plants from the cats who think that I have made a personal toilet for each one of them...
want to plant sunflowers in these tyres as well, will look cool in the summer.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
out of "retyrement"
Have just moved my first tyres into the front yard and planted them with daffodils and other flowers. Would like to plant some sunflowers in them too when I find my seed.
Zen helped me move the clawfoot bath into the front yard, it'll be used to collect water for the front garden. As water is often restricted, and watering even banned in summer around here, water from the roof will be diverted into the bath.
I want to paint some of the tyres, but the only paint I have any quantity of is bright pink, given to me by a friend. as the bath is already a similar shade of might just work lol. well the house is orange, what can I say...go with it.
Planted the last two fejoa trees today, a different kind so that it will cross breed with my other ones for better fruiting. Once the trees mature, and the flax behind them, it will be very private in the front yard as well as the back. It'll be a really nice place to sit in the summer.
As well as the daffodils, I planted a hedge of rosemary...rescued from the green waste tip, will wait and see if it takes. I also have strawberries, celery, beetroot and spring onions waiting to be planted as well as a mesclun salad mix. And I've ordered 2 Hawera Plum trees that are meant to do really well around here.
The plan is that as well as being self sufficient...we also can have some extra to sell.
The chooks have finally started laying in reasonable numbers. The most so far is four in one day... not too bad when we have 5 hens.
Will have to make a new gunea pig cage very soon, the mother is looking very pregnant. may have to take some of the last lot of babies to the pet shop, it's going to take a while before I can finish the larger enclosure, have just done the windward side, to make a windbreak for the fejoas, I need 8 - 10 mor posts to finish it, and probably another roll of chicken wire.
will take some more photo's tomorrow.
Zen helped me move the clawfoot bath into the front yard, it'll be used to collect water for the front garden. As water is often restricted, and watering even banned in summer around here, water from the roof will be diverted into the bath.
I want to paint some of the tyres, but the only paint I have any quantity of is bright pink, given to me by a friend. as the bath is already a similar shade of might just work lol. well the house is orange, what can I say...go with it.
Planted the last two fejoa trees today, a different kind so that it will cross breed with my other ones for better fruiting. Once the trees mature, and the flax behind them, it will be very private in the front yard as well as the back. It'll be a really nice place to sit in the summer.
As well as the daffodils, I planted a hedge of rosemary...rescued from the green waste tip, will wait and see if it takes. I also have strawberries, celery, beetroot and spring onions waiting to be planted as well as a mesclun salad mix. And I've ordered 2 Hawera Plum trees that are meant to do really well around here.
The plan is that as well as being self sufficient...we also can have some extra to sell.
The chooks have finally started laying in reasonable numbers. The most so far is four in one day... not too bad when we have 5 hens.
Will have to make a new gunea pig cage very soon, the mother is looking very pregnant. may have to take some of the last lot of babies to the pet shop, it's going to take a while before I can finish the larger enclosure, have just done the windward side, to make a windbreak for the fejoas, I need 8 - 10 mor posts to finish it, and probably another roll of chicken wire.
will take some more photo's tomorrow.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Goats and Chickens laz'n about
The chicken have a coop built specially for them where they sleep at night, but by day they prefer to hang out with the goats, so I added some leanto's to the goats little hut, so that when it rains, they all have some shelter. However when it's sunny like today, the goats sit on the roof, and the the chickens love to sit in side and dust bath in the sawdust on the floor.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mac Mac & a rooster
I was trying to get a video of the roosters crowing, but one of the goats stole the show.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Goats n' guninea pigs
A few weeks ago we added five new members to our animal family. 5 little piggies....guinea pigs that is.
Somehow the cage and it's inhabitants ended up being loaded into my car during my last visit to friends in new Plymouth.
The cage was a rattley old thing, and I've spent the last few days sprucing it up for the comfort of the guineas.
They now have rain and wind protection along on side of their A frame hutch, extra netting along the other side, and I've opened up half of the cage bottom (which was all wired over) so they have access to the grass, which they love.
They are very very cute, however every animal here has to earn it's keep and I'll be putting them to work soon!
The plan is for the back yard to belong to the chooks and goats, and the front to be for food production.
I've planted a row of fejoas along the windy side of the front section, next to a row of flax that will offer more wind protection. The role of the guineas will be to eat the grass beneath the fruit trees, officially they will be in charge of weed control and compost lol.
For this to work they need to whole area to be fully enclosed, top and sides - to be cat and dog proof.
I've aquired the necessary fence posts, but It will take me a while to do all the work involved, so in the meantime their little cage is more than adequate.
Once the fejoas are sorted, I'll put olives down the other boundary, and extend the guinea pig run further. Then with the shelter in place (as well as the wind tolerant fejoas and olives, wind netting will surround the outer boundary), The less wind tolerant fruit trees will be planted. I'm thinking peaches, plums, apples etc...yumm
Eventually all the fruit trees will be securely fenced, with the guinea pigs inside with the fruit trees, protected from the goats and chooks, which will be able to graze the front yard as well as the back.
Somehow the cage and it's inhabitants ended up being loaded into my car during my last visit to friends in new Plymouth.
The cage was a rattley old thing, and I've spent the last few days sprucing it up for the comfort of the guineas.
They now have rain and wind protection along on side of their A frame hutch, extra netting along the other side, and I've opened up half of the cage bottom (which was all wired over) so they have access to the grass, which they love.
They are very very cute, however every animal here has to earn it's keep and I'll be putting them to work soon!
The plan is for the back yard to belong to the chooks and goats, and the front to be for food production.
I've planted a row of fejoas along the windy side of the front section, next to a row of flax that will offer more wind protection. The role of the guineas will be to eat the grass beneath the fruit trees, officially they will be in charge of weed control and compost lol.
For this to work they need to whole area to be fully enclosed, top and sides - to be cat and dog proof.
I've aquired the necessary fence posts, but It will take me a while to do all the work involved, so in the meantime their little cage is more than adequate.
Once the fejoas are sorted, I'll put olives down the other boundary, and extend the guinea pig run further. Then with the shelter in place (as well as the wind tolerant fejoas and olives, wind netting will surround the outer boundary), The less wind tolerant fruit trees will be planted. I'm thinking peaches, plums, apples etc...yumm
Eventually all the fruit trees will be securely fenced, with the guinea pigs inside with the fruit trees, protected from the goats and chooks, which will be able to graze the front yard as well as the back.
Woo hoo!!!!
The girls have finally laid!!! What a surprise when my son looked in their nesting boxes today. Bought the hens in january when they were about 4 mths old. So they are now about 8 mths. They're orpingtons, with are a larger breed, so they take a bit longer to mature than other breeds, but I was wondering if we'd have to wait until after winter for any eggs. I'm wondering if the fact that I switched their food a couple of days ago had anything to do with it?? have been buying layers pellets for them, but accidently bought layers mash this time and it seems to be doing the trick. they love it, has to be mixed with water, so takes slightly longer to prepare, but from now on they will be having mash every day. I have also bought some "universal" pellts, suitable for my goats and guinea pigs as well as the chooks. So they get a feed of pellets later before bed as well as scraps during the day. have to take some more photo's soon, realised that I havent got any photo's of the goats or the guinea pigs on here yet.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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